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11670 steps, 8 birds and two peacocks

onsdag 11. maj 2022
af Robert Luttik

When I went to bed I hoped for more birds because we had a weather change, which is normally initiating migration. But the change was too small I think. Nothing arrived during the night. In total only 8 birds of which one was a recapture (see table).

11 mei 2022

I counted the steps I made for catching and handling the birds. Each bird was 1860 steps worth and in total 11670. So I had easily my 10000 steps. 

The moths made the day good. I had the first two Eyed Hawkmoths (Aftenpåfugleøje) and several other new species of which I will show you 3. Next to the Hawkmoth you see the Flame (Brændeugle) which just looks like a piece of wood.


The next one is a Pale Tussock Moth (Bøgenonne) note the `hairy` legs and the right one is an Oak-tree Pug (Grågrøn Egedværgmåler). Of this one I was not sure but thought it was the right species. Had put it in Naturbasen and rather quickly got the answer. That they thought I was right.

bogenonneGragrun Egedvaergmalar

I am not an expert,but with the apps I use I normally can figure out which species I have found. The apps are Obsidentify and iNaturalist. The first one is a Dutch one which is good for me, but it give also the latin name.This program is rather good in identifying the species. iNaturalist I use because this one has pictures which allows you to compare your own picture with those in the program. This program is also good but is more difficult to use for identification as such.

Hopefully tomorrow more birds







As announced by it self yesterday the first Icterine Warbler of the year

tirsdag 10. maj 2022
Første Gulbug
af Robert Luttik

Again a day with only a few birds in the nets. In total 17 birds (10 species) and including 4 recaptures. But one of the recaptures was an Icterine Warbler (Gulbug) caught in 2021 in the garden and ringed as a first year bird (1K), maybe even born in the garden. The Garden Warbler (Havesanger) was ringed in 2019 in the garden too as a 2K+ which means that the bird is at least 5 years old.

10 mei 2022

Bird of the day: Gulbug


Moths of the day.

This night I had 3 new species and will show them all. From left to right the Flame Shoulder Moth (Hvidrandet Jordugle), the Bordered Apamea Moth (Aksugle) and the White-Point (Hvid-punkt Græsugle). All rather common moths.

Hvidrandet Jordugleaksuglehvid punkt graesugle

With kind regards




Empty garden but second Red-breasted Flycatcher

mandag 9. maj 2022
af Robert Luttik

It was a very quiet day, maybe Henrik had taken all the birds with him to Copenhagen. Only 19 birds birds in total (13 species) of which 6 were recaptures. One was the second Red-breasted Flycatcher (Lille Fluesnapper) for the year (still waiting for an adult male).

9 mei 2022

Because it was so quiet in the garden the hares had a good time. Everywhere they were eating of the grass.


When I had my dinner at 4 o'clock in the afternoon (getting up so early and going to bed early does shift my eatings time too) I heard an Icterin Warbler / Gulbug (for me the first of the year). The Icterine Warbler is a real imitator of other birds and it always makes fun to use my bird app and see what kind of birds are proposed by the app. Amongst others one species of harrier and the Golden Plover was proposed.

The night brought some new moth species and I have chosen to show two of them. Both common species. The left one is a Red-green Carpet (Brungrøn Bladmåler) and the right one Turnip Moth (Agerugle). The last one can be find everywhere on the world and is known to cause damage to crops.

brungron bladmaleragerugle

So maybe tomorrow the first Gulbug (Icterin Warbler).

Greetings Robert

The first Red-breasted Flycatcher / Lille Fluesnapper of the year

søndag 8. maj 2022
af Robert Lutik
The day started with darkness in the ringing cabin, so still some problems with assessing the fat condition of the birds. But this problem has been solved by Gert.

Today the last day of Henrik and we had some help of Benjamin. In total 43 bird of which 3 recaptures.

8 mei 2022

The highlight of the day was the first Lille Fluesnapper / Red-breasted Flycatcher of the year. Had no red breast, but you can not have them all. And Henrick and me gave the bird to Benjamin and made him a happy man. See picture of below.

kleine vlieg 2.jpgkleine vlieg 1

And the two moths of the day are a Poppelugle (Poplar Grey) see left picture and on the right a Grå Tigerspinder (Muslin Moth). They are common species but it is to give you a taste of the variation among the moths.

poplar greymuslin moth

With kind regards and till tomorrow, hope I can manage, else I have to ask Hans to help me.






Empty garden and darkness

lørdag 7. maj 2022
af Robert Luttik

Today we did everything as normal, but there were almost no birds in the garden. In total we only caught 25 birds, of which 9 were recaptures.

Rødhals (Robin) 1 (1), Solsort (Blackbird) - (4), Gærdesanger (Lesser Whitethroat) 5 (3), Tornsanger (Common Whitethroat) - (1), Munk (Blackcap) 5 (-), Gransanger (Chiffchaff) 1 (-) and Løvsanger (Willow Warbler) 4 (-).

Maybe it was good that we had so few birds because when we came to the place where we do the ringing we did not have light. And some of the things are not going well with bad light. For instance, aging and assessing the fat degree. Hopefully we can figure out what is wrong.

Yesterday I caught a little moth and was not sure which species it was. It belonged to the difficult group of he Pugs ( Dværgmålere) and it was either the Markbynkedværgmåler or the Malurtdværgmåler. In Naturbasen you can put this species in with a reference to both and I added a text that I thougth it was Malurtdværgmåler. And rather quick one of the expert did agree with me. Nice that Naturbasen works like this. Below you will find a picture of the moth. The colour is not completely right because I have made the picture inside the house.

The second species below is a Zigzagspinder (Pebble Prominent) a very nice medium sized Moth which I found this morning in the trap. In Dutch it is called kameeltje (little camel) which is a reference to the caterpillar.


Hopefully we will catch more birds tomorrow

With kind regards Henrik Jørgensen and Robert Luttik

Some new arrivals for the season

fredag 6. maj 2022
af Robert Luttik

Today only a short message. My niece and her family have arrived for just one day and they want to have my attention and I want to spend most of the time with them.. 

Today we caught in total 88 birds (9 recapture). Highlight was the first Grå Fluesnapper (Spotted Flycatcher) of the year and three Tornsanger (Common Whitethroat). We had already 3 but now we had 3 on one day, so I think they now have arrived in greater numbers.

6 mei 2022

Tomorrow we can probably add some nice pictures.

With kind regards Robert

Besøg på fuglestationen

torsdag 5. maj 2022
af Henrik Jørgensen og Robert Luttik

Til morgen var det så godt som vindstille og klart og mens det stadig var lidt mørkt kunne vi tydeligt høre frøerne fra dammen kvække.

Igen i dag var der ok med fugle uden at vi fik for meget at lave.

Fler fugle er ved at komme i gang med at skulle yngle, så det kunne ses på nogle hunner som havde fået rugeplet.

Hans kom ud med nogle gamle kollegaer hvor de fik set lidt fugle og ringmærkning inden de fik frokost.

Vejret var super godt og lunt, så jeg tog ud på Odden efter middag og nød solen mens Robert nød solen foran huset med en bog.

Dagens ringmærkning og kontroller/Todays ringing and recaptures:

Gærdesmutte/Wren 1/0

Jernspurv/Dunnock 1/0

Rødhals/Robin 15/2

Rødstjert/Redstart 0/1

Solsort/Blackbird 0/1

Gærdesanger/Lesser whitethroat 22/3

Munk/Blackcap 12/0

Gransanger/Chiffchaff 2/2

Løvsanger/Willow warbler 3/1

Broget fluesnapper/Pied flycatcher 2/0

Bogfinke/Chaffinch 1/0

Stillits/Goldfinch 1/0

Tornirisk/Linnet 1/0

Rørspurv/Reed buntling 1/0

Total 62/10

Today a few picture, two of Pied Flycatchers / Broget Fluesnapper (close-up of male and female).

bonte vliegvanger manbonte vliegenvanger vrouw

And two moths caught in the night in a light trap and after making a picture released. The left one is a Shoulder-Stripe / Brungul Bladmåler and the right one a Small Engrailed / Birke-Barkmåler.

shoulder stripesmall engrailed

It is amazing how many species of moth are flying around in the night and most people have no idea what is visiting their garden. I (Robert) live in Djursland and have already caught approximately 300 species within a year.

På stationen Robert Luttik, Hans Lind, Henrik Jørgensen

Some birds and some moths

onsdag 4. maj 2022
af Robert Luttik

Bird wise the day was the same as yesterday, first two rounds busy and then it was slowing down. And after 8.30 it was over. So we closed at ten and I had time to look in the moth traps and on the walls behind the special lamps (although I did that earlier in the morning). The noon was used for setting up two nets at the pond and very soon after leaving the pond a White Wagtail (Hvid Vipstjert) was so friendly to fly in the net. A female with a breeding patch that was ringed last 2021.

In total we had 70 birds (13 species) of which only 4 were recaptures (see table below).

4 mei 2022

I had about 8 species of moths of which 2 were really nice ones and below you will find a picture of these species. The first one is a Lille Måneplet (Chocolate Tip) and the second one a Gedeblad-Ugle (Early Grey).


Hope that tomorrow will bring more highlights.

Greetings from Henrik Jøtgensen and Robert Luttik

Tilbage på GFU

tirsdag 3. maj 2022
af Henrik Jørgensen

Efter at have været hjemme i en lille måned er jeg nu tilbage.

Det er sjovt at der siden sidst er blevet grønt og at der er mange flere fugle som synger, så det kan man jo kun blive i godt humør af.

Dagen startede med skyet vejr og en del vind, men alt kunne heldigvis sættes op.

Fuglemæssigt var det en godkendt dag med 73 fangede fugle hvoraf de 65 var nye.

Dagens ringmærkning og kontroller/Todays ringing and recaptures:

Jernspurv/Dunnock 3/0

Rødhals/Robin 8/0

Rødstjert/Redstart 3/0

Solsort/Blackbird 1/1

Sangdrossel/Song thrush 4/0

Gærdesanger/Lesser whitethroat 7/3

Tornsanger/Common whitethroat 2/0

Munk/Blackcap 4/3

Gransanger/Chiffchaff 3/1

Løvsanger/Willow warbler 28/0

Rørspurv/Reedbuntling 2/0

Total 65/8

På stationen: Robert Luttik, Henrik Jørgensen

Sunny day and a lot of birds (100+)

mandag 2. maj 2022
af Robert Luttik

I came the first of May when we had the open day and helped with taking the birds out of the net. Was a good starter. Saw all the people again. Today I was alone at the station and had hoped for a nice easy starting day. But that was not the case. First two rounds with about in total approximately 80 birds. Hans was not available for helping out, but Gert was so friendly to come over to help with getting the birds out of the net. In the end we had 121 birds of which were 114 new and 7 recaptures (see table).

2 mei 2022

For me the highlights were the Lesser Redpolls (Lille Gråsiskin) and the Redstarts (Rødstjert). Of this species I have made some pictures (one of a female and one of a male).


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