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Little Woman´s Day

mandag 28. marts 2022
af Maciej Wozniak

Sixth day of our great birding adventure has passed. It got really windy so we were not able to open all the nets in the morning, but we still caught some birds, and the day with birds (even very few of them) is always a great day! During one of rounds we even found three bramblings hanging in one net - all of them were young females. They were not so beautifuly colored like males are, but they were still gorgeous. Moreover, we caught quite a lot chiffchaffs again, so we had another opportunity to train ageing them. While we were putting all the informations to the database, we noticed that every individual that we were able to sex today was a female!
Yesterday in the evening, after writing the daily blog post, we saw a lonely Brent Goose (Knortegås) on the field. In Poland they are super rare, and as it was never ringed here in Gedser, we decided to try to catch it. Henrik showed us how it is done - by walking through the field in night in complete silence with a flashlight. However, we did not manage to catch it - it wasn´t there when we returned to that field with a net. We saw there only some waders, but in the dark couldn't identify what species that were. Maybe tonight we will try again - hopefully this time we will be successful!

IMG 20220328 130451Me and Ben banding the Brambling. Photo: Agata Balicka

IMG 20220328 130650A wing of a Brambling. Photo: Agata Balicka

People at the station: Agata Balicka, Maciej Wozniak, Benjamin Bechgaard Lisse, Henrik Jørgensen

Complete list of birds caught today (ringed/recaptured):
Rødhals / Robin: 3/7
Solsort / Blackbird: 0/1
Gransanger / Common Chiffchaff: 8/1
Fuglekonge / Goldcrest: 1/0
Rødtoppet Fuglekonge / Firecrest: 0/1
Blåmejse / Blue Tit: 2/0
Bogfinke / Chaffinch: 1/0
Kvækerfinke / Brambling: 3/0