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The day of the caterpillar

torsdag 31. marts 2022
af Maciej Wozniak

The wind is getting stronger. So strong that we could not open all the nets today - we had only 178 meters open today. What's worse, the wind is blowing from East, so from the direction opposite to our desirable. We put a new ring on only one Song Thrush, all the other birds (5) were recaptures. Instead, on every round we found a lot of ``caterpillars´´ in the nets. They are another sign of winter making room for spring, we really can not wait to see the garden completly green and in fool bloom. I guess that it would get greener even faster, but it was a full month without any rain here, what is really uncommon.

In spite of little number of birds and heavy wind, the day is splendid and we have a reason to celebrate - I got promoted and have a C license instead of X! I can assure You, that I will do my best to make the best use of it and try to contribute to the Station and Denmark's ringing.

The ´´Caterpillar´´ that we catch a lot, in fact these are some trees' inflorescences. Photo: Maciej Wozniak

People at the station: Agata Balicka, Maciej Wozniak, Henrik Jørgensen

Complete list of birds caught today (ringed/recaptured):
Jernspurv / Dunnock: 0/1
Rødhals / Robin: 0/2
Solsort / Blackbird: 0/1
Sangdrossel / Song Thrush: 1/1

Total: 1/5