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I'm sorry but most of the autumn's blog posts will be in English!

søndag 17. juli 2016
Hello! My name is Simon Davies, an English ringer who will be staying here at Gedser for the whole autumn! [I was also here in spring 2014]
af Simon Davies

Although the season doesn't officially start until the 20th, I wasted no time in getting started and had a very productive morning with the nets catching 55 new birds including 11 Icterine Warblers (mostly adults, indicating perhaps that some movenment is already underway) and a Marsh Warbler.

The rest of the catch was, as expected, mainly juvenile birds of various stages of independance, the totals appear below;

Wren - 1, Dunnock - 1, Robin - 1, Blackbird - 5, Sedge Warbler - 1, Marsh Warbler - 1, Icterine Warbler - 11, Garden Warbler - 4, Lesser Whitethroat - 6, Blackcap - 2, Chiffchaff - 10, Tree Sparrow - 5, Linnet - 5, Yellowhammer - 2

DSCN5823 131x200 Icterine Warbler    DSCN5852 200x199 Marsh Warbler

DSCN5832 164x200 Very small Lesser Whitethroat!