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The first Sparrowhawk

tirsdag 23. august 2016
af Alex Penn

It was a very slow morning of ringing today, with just 33 new birds. The star of these was the autumn's first Sparrowhawk - a juvenile female. Sylvia warblers again made up the bulk of the birds caught, with Lesser Whitethroat the most numerous. 

Ringing totals were as follows:

Sparrowhawk/Spurvehøg - 1, Thrush Nightingale/Nattergal - 1, Redstart/Rødstjert - 1, Marsh Warbler/Kærsanger - 3, Reed Warbler/Rørsanger - 1, Icterine Warbler/Gulbug - 1, Lesser Whitethroat/Gærdesanger - 6, Whitethroat/Tornsanger - 4, Garden Warbler/Havesanger -3, Blackcap/Munk - 5, Willow Warbler/Løvsanger - 5, Pied Flycatcher/Broget Fluesnapper - 2.  

In the afternoon Simon and I visited Bøtø to see if there was more wader migration than passerine migration happening! We had a good range of species, the highlights of which were a Temminck's Stint, 3 Little Stints, a juv Curlew Sandpiper, Honey Buzzard, Hen Harrier, 8 Cranes and 3 Great Egrets.

20160823 094552 resized20160823 093704 resized 3Today's Sparrowhawk