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Warm and sunny

onsdag 24. august 2016
af Simon Davies

The weather changed yet again with today being a glorious, warm, sunny late summer’s day with a light easterly breeze; this change did produce a decent number of birds in the nets through the day with 109 new birds highlighted by 3 Thrush Nightingales, 2 Red-backed Shrikes and a smart juvenile Whinchat while the main species caught comprised 29 Lesser Whitethroats, 17 Blackcaps, 18 Willow Warblers and 6 Marsh Warblers.

Today's totals - 3 Tree Pipits / Skovpiber;  2 Yellow Wagtail / Gul Vipstjert;  4 Dunnock / Jernspurv;  1 Robin / Roedhals;  3 Thrush Nightingale / Nattergal;  3 Redstart / Roedstjert;  1 Whinchat / Bynkefugl;  6 Marsh Warbler / Kaersanger;  29 Lesser Whitethroat / Gaerdesanger;  8 Whitethroat / Tornsanger;  3 Garden Warbler / Havesanger;  17 Blackcap / Munk;  18 Willow Warbler / Loevsanger;  1 Spotted Flycatcher / Gra Fluesnapper;  4 Pied Flycatcher / Broget Fluesnapper;  1 Great Tit / Musvit;  2 Red-backed Shrike / Roedrygget Tornskad;  1 Starling / Staer;  1 Tree Sparrow / Skovspurv;  1 Linnet / Tornirisk

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Blue-headed Wagtail

                A few waders were heard overhead through the morning including Spotted Redshank, Grey Plover, Whimbrel, Curlew, Ringed Plover and Green Sandpiper while a couple of mixed duck flocks also went over with Wigeon, Shoveler and Teal picked out.   Other birds around the garden included several Swifts lingering overhead, a Great-spotted Woodpecker and good numbers of Tree Pipits during the first hour of daylight.

                A look off the point in the evening (1730-1830) then produced a few birds including 5 Black Terns, 6 Little Gulls, 50+ Sandwich Terns, 14 Arctic Terns, 13 Common Terns, 12 Teal, 13 Common Scoter, 3 Velvet Scoter and perhaps the most unusual bird being a breeding plumaged Razorbill which flew south – scarce on the Baltic side of Denmark.

More pictures from around Gedser at www.wykebirding.blogspot.com