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Bright and breezy

mandag 29. august 2016
af Alex Penn

A strong south-westerly breeze meant that we were severely limited in the number of nets we could open today, and this was reflected in the ringing totals - just 18 new birds of 8 species.

That total comprised:

Tree Pipit/Skovpiber - 6, Thrush Nightingale/Nattergal - 1, Redstart/Rødstjert - 1, Lesser Whitethroat/Gærdesanger - 2, Blackcap/Munk - 2, Willow Warbler/Løvsanger - 3, Spotted Flycatcher/Grå Fluesnapper - 1, Tree Sparrow/Skovspurv - 2.


Simon and I rotated positions ringing and vis-migging at the point through the morning, with highlights from there including 2 Honey Buzzards, 2 Osprey, a White-tailed Eagle, several Sparrowhawks, and small numbers of the expected ducks and waders.   

20160828 123837 resizedSpotted Flycatcher

20160829 160015 resizedTree Pipit