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onsdag 31. august 2016
af Alex Penn

We had a better day of catching today in calmer (but still clear) conditions, with a respectable total of 75 birds of 14 species. As has been the norm this week, the vast majority of these were caught before 8am, with a steep drop-off in numbers after this as birds clear out of the garden and the sun hits our nets! 

Highlights today included the autumn's first Firecrest (with a second calling in the garden), rising numbers of Robins and Blackcaps (12 and 17 respectively) and another Red-backed Shrike.

Totals comprised: 

Dunnock/Jernspurv - 4, Robin/Rødhals - 12, Redstart/Rødstjert - 5, Blackbird/Solsort - 4, Marsh Warbler/Kærsanger - 1, Lesser Whitethroat/Gærdesanger - 9, Whitethroat/Tornsanger - 6, Garden Warbler/Havesanger - 5, Blackcap/Munk - 17, Chiffchaff/Gransanger - 3, Willow Warbler/Løvsanger - 6, Firecrest/Rødtoppet Fuglekonge - 1, Red-backed Shrike/Rødrygget Tornskade - 1, Tree Sparrow/Skovspurv - 2.

Sparrowhawks and Kestrels were again obvious around the garden and surrounding area all day, but the only large raptors seen were a couple of Honey Buzzards. 

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A couple of pictures of today's Firecrest - a real jewel of a bird.