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tirsdag 27. september 2016
af Simon Davies

An awesome start to the morning, the kind of morning that makes every autumn worthwhile; very calm and overcast with the garden full of calling Robins and Goldcrests from before dawn while overhead there was the constant calls of Song Thrushes and Redwings – fantastic!   The ringing was predictably very busy with an excellent 487 new birds caught – although it tailed off after mid-morning when the sun came out turning the day once again warm and tropical.

                The total was dominated by 178 Goldcrests, 114 Chiffchaffs and 100 Robins along with 40 Wrens and 17 Song Thrushes while the highlights were another Yellow-browed Warbler and another Red-breasted Flycatcher.

Today's totals - 40 Wren / Gaerdesmutte;  9 Dunnock / Jernspurv;  100 Robin / Roedhals;  3 Redstart / Roedstjert;  17 Song Thrush / Sangdrossel;  2 Lesser Whitethroat / Gaerdesanger;  6 Blackcap / Munk;  1 Yellow-browed Warbler / Hvidbrynet Loevsanger;  114 Chiffchaff / Gransanger;  178 Goldcrest / Fuglekonge;  1 Red-breasted Flycatcher / Lille Fluesnapper;  1 Coal Tit / Sortmejse;  4 Blue Tit / Blamejse;  2 Tree Sparrow / Skovspurv;  7 Chaffinch / Bogfinke;  1 Greenfinch / Groenirisk;  1 Goldfinch / Stillits

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Red-breasted Flycatcher

                There wasn’t much time for much else but random birds over the garden included several Grey Wagtails with small numbers of Chaffinches, Bramblings, Siskins, Redpolls, Tree Pipits, Meadow Pipits and Skylarks etc. while raptors included Red Kite and Rough-legged Buzzard with a handful of Sparrowhawks and Kestrels.

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