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New day - new species

onsdag 30. marts 2022

It may be harder to surprise us each next day but Gedser still manages to do it. In the morning when we begun opening the nests, the day greeted us with a gorgeous pinkish-orange sunrise. It was quite cold all day, but not really windy, so we opened all the nets. Again many of birds that were caught were recaptures. That may suggest that most of the local birds breeding in our garden are ringed already. However, we did catch a beautiful male yellowhammer without a ring, as well as house sparrows! There were two of them, so both me and Agata could ring one, as we have never banded them before. What is also satisfying about these catches is that it was the first time house sparrows were caught in Gedser this year! Henrik told us that only a handful of this species is caught every year, so we are more than happy to have such luck.

IMG 20220330 123029
Extraordinary pattern on yellowhammer's tail and wings. Photo: Agata Balicka

IMG 20220330 123322Our today's star - house sparrow. It's a boy! Photo: Agata Balicka

People at the station: Agata Balicka, Maciej Wozniak, Henrik Jørgensen

Complete list of birds caught today (ringed/recaptured):
Gærdesmutte / Wren: 1/1
Jernspurv / Dunnock: 5/0
Rødhals / Robin: 1/7
Solsort / Blackbird: 0/1
Sangdrossel / Song Thrush: 1/1
Vindrossel / Redwing: 1/0
Gransanger / Common Chiffchaff: 3/2
Fuglekonge / Goldcrest: 0/1
Rødtoppet Fuglekonge / Firecrest: 1/0
Gråspurv / House Sparrow: 2/0
Grønirisk / Greenfinch: 1/0
Gulspurv / Yellowhammer: 1/0

Total: 17/13