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The Black Goose

onsdag 6. april 2022
af Maciej Wozniak

Since early morning the weather was awful: it was cold, rainy and windy until the evening. Having the wellness and health of birds in our minds we did not open any of the nets today - it could end tragically if firecrests or goldcrests would get tangled in them.
As we already did a lot of additional work (like for example cutting branches) in the previous days, we had a lot of time to relax today. We could take up some reading and learning. Moreover, Agata baked delicious cake today! In Poland we call it the Sand Cake, due to it's quite loose, sand-like inside. It was really wonderful to taste some homemade pastry, and I think the view of the Sea behind the window made it even better.
Anyway, because of rather dark and rainy conditions, that we use to call ´´glass weather´´ or ´´bar weather´´, we felt a bit tired and sleepy all day. Even coffee did not help us like it always does and we had to resort to the good old naps. By the way Henrik taught us a new metaphor, that we surely will implement in our lives - sleeping can be reffered to as ´´watching the black goose´´.
We also got visited by Ole, who will stay with us for a bit and will count migrating birds at the tip.
Although we did not catch any birds (Yet! Maybe we will try to catch some with a flashlight again?) and were not very productive today, I still think that such days are really important. Especially in places like Gedser, one can indeed feel the cleansing solitude and admire the slowness of passing time. Only then we can learn to appreciate the slightest things in our surroundings, that we do not have the time to notice in the rush of everyday life.

IMG 20220406 172025The cake. Baking and photo: Agata Balicka

On of us being trapped by a Black Goose. Photo: Agata Balicka

People at the station: Agata Balicka, Maciej Wozniak, Henrik Jørgensen, Ole Friis Larsen

Complete list of birds caught today (ringed/recaptured):

Total: 0/0