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Empty garden but second Red-breasted Flycatcher

mandag 9. maj 2022
af Robert Luttik

It was a very quiet day, maybe Henrik had taken all the birds with him to Copenhagen. Only 19 birds birds in total (13 species) of which 6 were recaptures. One was the second Red-breasted Flycatcher (Lille Fluesnapper) for the year (still waiting for an adult male).

9 mei 2022

Because it was so quiet in the garden the hares had a good time. Everywhere they were eating of the grass.


When I had my dinner at 4 o'clock in the afternoon (getting up so early and going to bed early does shift my eatings time too) I heard an Icterin Warbler / Gulbug (for me the first of the year). The Icterine Warbler is a real imitator of other birds and it always makes fun to use my bird app and see what kind of birds are proposed by the app. Amongst others one species of harrier and the Golden Plover was proposed.

The night brought some new moth species and I have chosen to show two of them. Both common species. The left one is a Red-green Carpet (Brungrøn Bladmåler) and the right one Turnip Moth (Agerugle). The last one can be find everywhere on the world and is known to cause damage to crops.

brungron bladmaleragerugle

So maybe tomorrow the first Gulbug (Icterin Warbler).

Greetings Robert