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Over and Out

fredag 26. august 2022
af Chris Sharp

Today we were ringers in the mist.  Shortly after a murky dawn a mist drifted in and we went around to mostly empty nets.  With the mist few birds were moving; or calling for that matter.  Consequently our day total was low but not without some quality.  This quality was expressed in several ways.  Firstly the "lake" nets were open and though they were not as productive as yesterday a couple of young goldfinch went into the nets.  Though these juveniles have not yet attained the stunning beauty of their parents they are well on their way in their post-juvenile moult with their wings already resplendently black, white and gold.

And Chris had the good fortune of two good rounds in that he extracted: common linnet, tree pipit, common rosefinch and spotted flycatcher; then two female pied flycatchers.  He enjoyed handling and processing these birds as he has with all the birds he has experienced during his stay at Gedser.  He leaves tomorrow having enjoyed re-acquainting himself with warblers; seeing and ringing a red-breasted flycatcher and the very positive ringing experience here at Denmark's southern most point.

The afternoon was spent doing various chores around the houe, garden and in the pond.

So with that it is over and out for Chris as he returns to Germany to get back into numerous woodland birds, notably various tits.  He will miss the variety of birds encountered here.

People at the station: Henrik Jørgensen, Chris Sharp and Adam Qvist (who arrived quietly in the night).

Species Species Ringed Retrap
Skovpiber Tree Pipit 2  
Solsort Common Blackbird   2
Gæresanger Lesser Whitethroat 4 3
Tornsanger Common Whitethroat 1  
Havesanger Garden Warbler 4  
Munk Eurasian Blackcap 1 2
Løvsanger Willow Warbler 1  
Grå Fluesnapper Spotted Flycatcher 1  
Broget Fluesnapper Eurasian Pied Flycatcher 2  
Musvit Great Tit   3
Stillits European Goldfinch 2  
Tomirisk Common Linnet 1  
Kamindompap Common Rosefinch 1  
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