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Fuglekonge no more

mandag 24. oktober 2016
af Simon Davies

A perfect ringing day – calm, partly cloudy with some sunshine in the afternoon but the totals were reduced from the previous week as we seem to have broken the back of the crazy Goldcrest migrations; the total of 351 new birds through the day was still very decent but it was nowhere near as hectic as it has been.   There was still a trickle of 192 Goldcrests caught (mainly in the morning) along with 64 Robins and 27 Wrens while the highlights included a Firecrest, 3 Treecreepers and a female Northern Bullfinch.

Todays totals - 27 Wren \ Gaerdesmutte;   3 Dunnock \ Jernspurv;   64 Robin \ Roedhals;   2 Blackbird \ Solsort;   1 Song Thrush \ Sangdrossel;   2 Blackcap \ Munk;   5 Chiffchaff \ Gransanger;   192 Goldcrest \ Fuglekonge;   1 Firecrest \ Roedtoppet Fuglekonge;   2 Coal Tit \ Sortmejse;   24 Blue Tit \ Blamejse;   8 Great Tit \ Musvit;   3 Treecreeper \ Traelober;   1 Chaffinch \ Bogfinke;   2 Brambling \ Kvaekerfinke;   1 Greenfinch \ Groenirisk;   5 Goldfinch \ Stillits;   6 Siskin \ Groensisken;   1 Lesser Redpoll \ Lille Grasisken;   1 Northern Bullfinch \ Stor Dompap

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     Overhead passage was also much reduced despite the fine weather with just a few small flocks of Finches, Woodpigeons, Rooks and Jackdaws moving through; a flock of 120 Cranes also went over while a few raptors included at least 9 Rough-legged Buzzards, 2 Red Kites, 15 Common Buzzards and quite a few Sparrowhawks.   Other little bits around included my first Long-eared Owl of the autumn in the trees by the house, 2 Hawfinches over, a flock of 20 Pintail heading south, the first Great-spotted Woodpecker for a while and in the much quieter afternoon a great flock of 16 Red Kites which flapped lazily over the garden late afternoon and 2 Red-throated Divers calling as they flew east.

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Long-eared Owl in the garden

More pictures from around Gedser today www.wykebirding.blogspt.com