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A nice spring day

tirsdag 25. oktober 2016
af Laila Aranda Romero

Today we have waked up with a thick fog for the first two hours, making the start really slowly. However, once it's cleared out, we have enjoyed a beautiful spring day with a total of 154 individuals banded and 20 different species. Although the weather conditions have been perfect for ringing, there were almost no birds migrating ( if we compare of course with previous days). It seems that birds prefer to migrate in cloudy/raining and windy days; making our day-to-day ringing more challengeable and unpredictable.

Despite of this, there have been small flocks of Siskins, Goldfinches, Bramblings/ Chaffinches and Blue Tits/Great Tits moving around our garden and keeping us entertained but not too busy ;). We have had also two nice surprises: 1 male Great Woodpecker and 1 stunning male adult Sparrowhawk cheering up our day!!!

In addition, we have also observed 15 Common Buzzards, 1 Rough-Legged Buzzard, 2 Red Kites and few Sparrowhawks flying over our heads, but not really migrating. 

Totals: Great Woodpecker  1  /  Sparrowhawk  1  /  Wren  8  /  Dunnock  1  /  Robin  29  /  Blackbird  1  /  Chiffchaff  2  /  Goldcrest  49  /  Blue Tit  14  /  Great Tit  3  /  Trecreeper  1  /  House Sparrow  1  /  Tree Sparrow  7  /  Chaffinch  1  /  Brambling  1  /  Greenfinch  1  /  Goldfinch  1  /  Siskin  26  /  North Bullfinch  2