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Halemejse always cute

lørdag 29. oktober 2016
af Laila Aranda Romero

Due to the strong winds, we have enjoyed another slowly day with just 21 new birds ringed. Surprisingly, Long-Tailed Tits (mainly aerupeaus spp.)  have been the most abundant species with 10 individuals!!! and of course they have been the main start of the day, along with the Firecrest.

IMG 2648

Despite of these low figures, during the early morning there have been more activity around our garden than the last two days with at least 10 Sparrowhawks, 1 Kestrel and 3 common Buzzards, and smalls flocks of Siskins, Bramblings/ Chaffinches, Greenfinches and Bullfinches. Any bird was flying too high, so unfortunately most of them haven´t found their way into the nets.

Rødtoppet fuglekonge.02

Hopefully tomorrow  weather will be better and there will be more birds moving around the garden but closer to the land!!! And why not some interesting/cute/special bird can end up in our nets like Waxwings ;).

Totals: Robins   3  / Blackbird  2  /  Goldcrest  3  /  Firecrest  1  /  Long- Tailed tit  10  /  Blue Tit  1  /  Chaffinch  1