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First Sandwich Tern "Splitterne" and White Wagtails "Hvid Vipstjert" for the season!

søndag 12. marts 2023
... we were also enjoying the Little Gulls "Dvergmåge" again at the Obs, but just one new ringed Blue Tit "Blåmejse"
af Hanelie Sidhu

Ringing: Lars was in the ringing today, but he didn´t have a very exciting mornig. Just one new ringed Blue Tit "Blåmajse" was in the net, otherwise two recaptured Blackbirds "Solsort".

Ringing totals:

New ringed: Blåmejse: 1

Recaptured: Solsort: 2

Morning Observation at Gedser Odde: Ole and Hanelie went for Morning Observations today. Louis was already waiting for us and Gerd joined for a little in the end. We had a quite nice morning and were able to observe the Little Gulls "Dværgmåge" again very close, which had already been seen yesterday: One Adult and one second calendar year bird. There were also some first birds for the season: Five Sandwich Terns "Splitterne" and two White Wagtails "Hvid Vipstjert". We also had two Auks "Alkefugl", a bit over 60 Divers "Lom" mostly Red-throated Divers "Rødstrubet Lom" but also one Black-throated. One Red Kite "Rød Glente" flying inland was nice, as well as five Snow Buntings "Snespurv". There was also a good number of Eiders "Ederfugl" migrating east, 1480 in five hours: mostly males, just a meagre percentage of females.

Odden sondag 325En af dagens Snespurve på taget af bygningen ved Odden. Foto: Ole Friis Larsen/GFU

Se alle dagens registrerede arter på Gedser Odde her.

In the afternoon, Anne came, who will stay here for some days.

People at the station: Louis A. Hansen, Anne Ramskov Hermanns, Hanelie Sidhu, Lars Ulrich Rasmussen, Ole Friis Larsen, Gert Jeppsen