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Rainy day – Nice evening with two Little Gulls “Dværgmåge”

mandag 13. marts 2023
White Wagtails "Hvid Vipstjert" are arriving and we are trying to catch Tengmalm´s Owls "Perleugle"
af Hanelie Sidhu

This morning was rainy and windy. The nets couldn´t be opened in this weather, so Anne and Lars had a cosy morning at the Bird Observatory.

Morning Observations at Gedser Odde: Nevertheless, Ole and and Hanelie went out for morning Observations. They could find shelter under the roof at the building at the tip, so they just got wet on their way.


Shelter under the roof. Foto: Hanelie Sidhu

There were not many birds migrating though. Just 27 Eiders “Ederfugl” migrating east, therefore Redthroated Divers “Rødstrubet Lom” going west, some Red Breasted Mergensers “Toppet Skallesluger” and four Goosanders “Stor Skallesluger”, also going west. We also had a very nice Observation of four Razorbills “Alk”. But all in all very low numbers of birds, so we decided to leave after three hours.

Se alle dagens registrerede arter på Gedser Odde her.

The day stayed quite windy and rainy, but the wind slowed down in the late afternoon. So Hanelie went on an evening walk and saw some more White Wagtails “Hvid Vipstjert” – they are arriving. And again two adult Little Gulls “Dværgmåge” very nice in the sinking sun.


Sanderlings "Sandløber" feeding at the beach. Foto: Hanelie Sidhu 

This night, one net in the garden is open. We are trying to catch Tengmalm´s Owls. Anne was very successful with that last autumn and we are hoping for more success this and the following nights. We will keep you updated, if we catch something!

People: People at the station: Anne Ramskov Hermanns, Hanelie Sidhu, Lars Ulrich Rasmussen, Ole Friis Larsen