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Increasing numbers of Eiders "Ederfugl"

onsdag 15. marts 2023
Highest number of Eiders "Ederfugl" for the season so far,  more Skylarks "Sanglærke" going south and first Dunnock “Jernspurv” for the season!
af Hanelie Sidhu & ARH

Ringmærkning: Trækket er stadig ikke begyndt for alvor, men vi fangede alligevel en god del blåmejser og musvittter. Alle dagens mejser var i overraskende god stand i forhold til, at de højst sandsynligt lige er ankommet til haven. Vejret ser ud til at blive bedre de næste dage, så vi håber meget på, at de også byder på nogle flere fugle.

Morning Observation at Gedser Odde: Ole and Hanelie went for Morning Observations today. Anders and Bo joined them for some time. Today they got the highest number of Eiders “Ederfugl” for the season so far, 3113 in the five standard hours, still a very low percentage of females among them. There were still some Skylarks “Sanglærke” going south to Germany, maybe it is because of the onset of winter last week, especially in northern Jutland, that they are going south again, although we would actually expect them to go south now. Other highlights during todays Morning Obs were also some Raptors: five Red Kites “Rød Glente”, one stationary White-tailed Eagle “Havørn” and one Merlin “Dværgfalk”. We also had four Sandwich Terns “Splitterne” again today.

 Se alle dagens registrerede arter på Gedser Odde her.

In the afternoon, we went grocery shopping in town and Hanelie had a walk and saw a Firecrest “Rødtoppet Fuglekonge” at Kroghage. Hopefully, we will get them in the nets soon.

This evening, the owl nets are open again, wish us luck!


People:  Anders Zuschlag, Bo Kaiser, Anne Ramskov Hermanns, Ole Fris Larsen, Lars Ulrich Rasmussen, Hanelie Sidhu