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Spring keeps us waiting...

fredag 17. marts 2023
af Hanelie Sidhu

Ringing: When we got up this morning and found out, that it was possible to open the nets, we were looking forward to catch many birds today because the last days, we really had been thinking: Spring is finally coming and will bring us many birds today. But soon we realised: today was not the day. In total we caught eight birds plus one recapture. At least, for that low number of birds we had quite some variety of species, as we had five different species today! After ringing it was time for net mending so all nets are ready for the spring birds to arrive in our garden tomorrow! – Hopefully, keep your fingers crossed!

Solsort_female.jpg Blackbird "Solsort" female in the ringing. Foto: Lars Ulrich Rasmussen


People: Anne Hermanns, Lars Ulrich Rasmussen, Hanelie Sidhu