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A foggy Robin "Rødhals" day

tirsdag 21. marts 2023
af Hanelie Sidhu & Ole Friis Larsen

The ringing:  For this morning, we were expecting fog and low winds and many birds, but it turned out to be foggy and quite wet with many drizzles. Nina and I (Hanelie) decided just to open a part of the nets and went on rounds very often, so the birds did not get too wet. We heard a lot of birds in the garden, there were a lot of Starlings “Stær” migrating and also flocks of Siskins “Grønsisken”, some Song Thrushes “Sangdrossel” and Redwings “Vindrossel”, some Finches “Finke”, I also saw a few Goldfinches “Stillits” and was really hoping they would go into the nets, but I didn´t have luck with that.

siskin_21-03.jpegA few of the Siskins "Grønsisken" were also caught in the nets like this female. Foto: Hanelie Sidhu

thumbnail image1 1Another foggy morning. Foto: Nina Yasmin Ali

But the species, that we had most numerous in the nets was the Robin “Rødhals”. There was also a very nice Eurasian Treecreeper “Træløber” in one of the nets.

Traelober._res.jpegEurasian Treecreeper "Træløber". Foto: Hanelie Sidhu.

We needed to exchange a rotten pole of one of the nets two times today, as also the replacement pole broke. But know it is ready to catch many birds again. Hans, Gert and Mads have put up the two high nets today, which have double the high of normal nets, they are five meters high and are a speciality of Gedser. So, I am very excited to see how this works in the following days. Towards the end of standard time, the weather turned a little nicer and so we decided to have the nets open for a bit longer. After data entry we did some data checking this afternoon, and now the number of sheets, that need to be checked is not so frightening any more. Tomorrow is supposed to be a bit windy in the morning, but it should be possible to open some nets. So, Nina is hoping for Redwings “Vindrossel” in the nets and I am hoping for Goldfinches “Stillits”!


Trækket på Odden: Morgenen begyndte med tæt tåge og støvregn. Efterhånden blev sigtbarheden endnu mindre, og selv de nærmeste træer forsvandt. Efter to en halv time gav det ikke længere mening at fortsætte med et udsyn på under 100 meter, og så blev dagens træktælling opgivet. Kun tre arter blev set på træk; et par hundrede Stære (Sturnus vulgaris), en håndfuld Bogfinker (Fringilla coelebs) og en flok Grønsiskener (Carduelis spinus).

Se alle dagens registrerede arter på Gedser Odde her.

People at the station: Hanelie Sidhu, Ole Friis Larsen, Nina Yasmin Ali, Gert Jeppsen, Mads Elley, Tina Elley, Hans Lind.