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Almost identical to yesterday

onsdag 24. maj 2023
No Rose Finch but 2 male Red-backed Shrikes and one rare moth
af Robert Luttik

Today I had 33 birds (31 new and 2 recaptures) and 14 species. Highlights were 5 Icterin Warblers (Gulbug) and two male Red-backed Shrikes (Rødrygget Tornskade, see picture).

vangst 24mei2023

 One Garden Warbler is missing, so it total 31 ne ringd birds.


It is difficult to make good pictures when you are alone at the station and in particular of this species. That is the reason that I wear a glove, else it would have eaten me.

Yesterday I caught a moth that was a bit damaged. It is according to me a Poppel-dromedarspinder (Three-bumped Prominent). I was not sure about the name, but had put it in Naturbasen. This morning I caught it again and another one. This was not damage, have put that one too in Naturbasen and till now nobody said it is not that species and I got 3 likes. So I think it is this species, which is rather rare for Denmark. Both looked a bit worn out, but that is a normal thing for old moths that come to the end of their life.


It is a migratory species mostly found on Bornholm and Falster (and incidentely in Nordøstjylland and Anholt).

In total I had 20 moths (15 species) of which 3 were new for the season here. One moth the Pine Beauty (Setaceous Hebrew Character, see picture below). This species was not occuring in Falster till now according to Naturbasen.

 mot 24mei2023

pine beauty

 Pine Beauty

Till tomorrow, lets see what the day and night will bring

Ciao Robert