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Is autumn over with the first snows?

onsdag 9. november 2016
af Simon Davies

There was still a very decent covering of snow first thing but it seemed like the heavy snowfall last night had blocked any new birds arriving in the garden as I only caught 6 new birds including two more Northern Bullfinches before I could put Redpoll playback on and even then I just caught one flock of 44 - 25 Common and 19 Lesser Redpolls.

Today`s totals -   3 Blackbird \ Solsort;   1 Redwing \ Vindrossel;   25 Common Redpoll \ Nordlig Grasisken;   19 Lesser Redpoll \ Lille Grasisken;   2 Northern Bullfinch \ Stor Dompap

                There was a flock of 8 Woodlarks feeding in the front field and a Red Kite went over the garden through the bright and sunny morning before a walk north up the coast in the afternoon produced 2 Snow Buntings, a Sanderling and 6 White Wagtails on the beach, 8 Little Gulls foraging in the surf and c350 Golden Plover, 20 Grey Plover and 45 Twite in the fields.


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