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Bad weather

mandag 31. juli 2023
af Gwendal Quimbre, Henrik Jørgensen


Today the weather was really bad with a lot of wind and drops of rain sometimes (but not enough to close the nets). We only caught 5 birds which were Common redstarts and Icterine warblers.

Since we have more time than usual for the blog, Henrik thought it would be a good idea that I write something about myself, so here it is.

I am 23 years old French birder coming from Britanny (where many rare birds are found every year). I started bird ringing two years ago and totally loved the activity. As a scientist I really enjoy the data that is acquirred, but as a birder I am fascinated by the beauty of their feathers. So I have mostly been ringing in France, and I did some different programs (migration of passerine birds in the reeds, ringing of Storm petrels, forest species during breeding), but these different experiences also got me the chance to go to South Africa to ring Sociable weavers to study their behavior, and White backed vultures.

All the best,

Kristian og Benthe var forbi med kage mens vi desværre fik middagslur så vi fik ikke hilst på dem, men stort tak!

Dagens ringmærkning/Todays ringing:

Rødstjert/Redstart 2

Gulbug/Icterine warbler 2

Tornsanger/Whitethroat 1

Total 5

På stationen: Gwendal Quimbre, Henrik Jørgensen