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Really is the last day now!

torsdag 17. november 2016
af Simon Davies

Bright and sunny again through the morning with the southerly wind still annoyingly brisk; the only birds in the nets were Redpolls attracted by the playback and comprised 24 Common and 11 Lesser Redpolls – the majority were big, obvious pale birds with wings up to 81 but there was a scattering of really obvious Lessers, small and dark with wing lengths down to 69.

This morning's ringing -   24 Common Redpoll / Nordlig Grasisken;   11 Lesser Redpoll / Lille Grasisken

                There were a few other birds around with a few Chaffinches, Bramblings and Greenfinches overhead along with one flock of c50 Waxwings and a single Red Kite while in the garden there were still 3 Northern Bullfinches (all ringed) and a Woodcock.

                A walk north up the coast was pretty quiet, albeit pleasant in the sunny conditions with 4 Little Gulls feeding along the tide line while out across the fields there was an adult male Hen Harrier, a Rough-legged Buzzard and an adult male Peregrine while several small flocks of Waxwings whizzed about.

IMG 0818 450x401

Little Gull

More pictures from my last day here at www.wykebirding.blogspot.com