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Bird yougsters in hand!

fredag 7. juni 2024
af Hanelie Sidhu

The ringing:

Today, there was a little bit improovement compared to the last days. In total, we got twelve birds during standard time. The day started well, in the first round, I took out two first calendar year Blackbirds “Solsort”. I am always amazed, when I see them in their plumage from the nest. And to be honest, sometimes I whish they would just keep their spotted breasts and the orangish spots on the coverts.


1K Blackbird "Solsort"


But then, it would not be special any more, so let time take its course.

Maybe we are getting some more birds in the nets now, as the juveniles leave their nests? In the afternoon,

Jens managed to catch the third 1k of the day, a Hooded Crow “Gråkrage”!




The moths:

When I went to the moths trap by the house this morning, I got really excited and amazed! There was a big, quite colourful and beautiful moth sitting on the wall by the trap, that I had never seen before. This is even better than catching a Acheronita atropos “Dødningehoved aftensværmer”, I thought by myself, I was very happy about that moth. Soon I found out, that it was Cerura vinula “Hermelinskåbe” that came to the trap tonight. It is not a rare species, actually it has been found all over Denmark, especially at the coasts, but most sightings have been here in Sjelland.



Cerura vinula “Hermelinskåbe”


But there were also other new moth species in the traps today. I will show Lomaspilis marginata “Sortrandet måler” and Dysstroma truncate “Jordbærmaler”.


Lomaspilis marginata “Sortrandet måler”



Dysstroma truncate “Jordbærmaler”




People: Jens Friis-Walsted, Jasper Mosman, Hanelie Sidhu