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An unexpected Rødtoppet Fuglekonge!

søndag 9. juni 2024
Gedser Fuglestations dagbog læst 1,9 millioner gange.
af Hanelie Sidhu & Ole Friis Larsen

Nye tal viser, at Gedser Fuglestations blog er set eller endda læst 1,9 millioner gange, siden vi begyndte at skrive dagbogen/bloggen for ni år siden. Vi skriver cirka 280 dage om året. Det betyder, at dagbogen i gennemsnit bliver set 750 gange hver dag. Tusind tak til alle, der viser vores arbejde på fuglestationen den store interesse.

The Ringing: Cold wind and quite some leaves in the nets, a cloudy sky, me taking my hat on. That nearly sounds like autumn! Just the fact, that most leaves were green, the Swifts “Mursejler” on the sky and the brood patches on quite some of the few birds I had in hand today did not really fit into that picture. No, it is supposed to get summer… Also the new ringed birds of today gave more the feeling of autumn or early spring. But with a little surprise, very little, just 5,3 grams. In the second round,

GFU jun 1674A very late Firecrest on Sunday morning.

I took a Firecrest “Rødtoppet Fuglekonge” out of one of the nets. Gedser is definitely the best place for Firecrests “Rødtoppet Fuglekonge”, but it is mainly early spring, from mid-March to the beginning of April, that we are getting them in the nets. So this was nice, but there was not much following. One new Great Tit “Musvit” and a few recaps, among them a Garden Warbler “Havesanger”, that Hans ringed in May 2018!



The moth: The first rainy and then windy night did not make many moths flying. I will show Grapholia funebrana "Blommevikler", as I think we did not catch it before.

Blommevikler.jpegGrapholia funebrana "Blommevikler"

There was also Scopalia ambigualis in the trap, it is quite common in the traps now, so maybe you can also find and recognise it.


ambigualis.jpegScopalia ambigualis


Hans took his trap back home today, he also wants to catch moth in his garden, so from now on I will just catch with one trap.

News of the station: Yesterday evening, Ole arrived at the station to attend today´s board meeting and do some night counts.

Around noon, Henrik also came, he will be here until the end of the month.

And in the afternoon, we welcomed Lara at the station. She is a student and will stay here for her school internship for the next week.

GFU jun 1675Styregruppen samlet i stationens mødelokale  til af årets to-tre ordinære møder.

Mere nyt fra fuglestationen: Søndag var der møde i fuglestationens styregruppe, hvor vi diskuterede økonomien og forskellige andre ting af betydning for stationens drift. Referaterne fra møderne er til at læse på fuglestationens hjemmeside, efterhånden som de er skrevet og godkendt. I mødet lørdag talte vi blandt andet om, at vi mangler frivillige til at hjælpe med havearbejdet, som er en forudsætning for, at ringmærkerne kan komme rundt til nettene, samt for, at haven ser nogenlunde ens ud fra år til år af hensyn til den standardiserede ringmærkning. Vi planlagde også nogle af stationens arrangementer i efteråret.

People: Ole Friis Larsen, Henrik Jørgensen, Jasper Mosman, Hanelie Sidhu, Hans Lind, Mads and Tina Elley, Gert Jeppesen, Bo Kayser, Anne Marie Reith, Søren Mygind, Lara Chrenkova