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A trip to Klinteskov on Møn

mandag 10. juni 2024
af Hanelie Sidhu and Lara Chrenkova

The ringing:

Today, there was a little improovement to yesterday. In the morning, we had 14 birds in the nets. Just four newly ringed though. In the afternoon, Henrik caught the 15th bird of today by hand: it was a newly fleged Blackbird "Solsort" which was so small, that it couldn´t even fly. Henrik ringed it and then it was released. Young Blackbirds "Solsort" leave their nests a few days before they can fly. Their parents will still come and feed them and after a few days, they will fly like the big.



1K Blackbird "Solsort"



The moths:

The windy night did not make many moths fly. It was a bit sad opening the trap and just finding two of the most common moth species. On our trip to Stor Klinteskov near Møn, I managed to catch a few, so the list is a little longer. For this blog, a picture of Hypochalcia ahenella “Bakkehalvmøl”.



Hypochalcia ahenella “Bakkehalvmøl”



Trip to Klinteskov on Møn:

Today some of us went on a trip to Klinteskov on Møn to see different species of orchids and a lot of other flowers. We were also looking for butterflies and other insects but there weren’t many because it was windy with some showers. The area was different compared to most of Denmark as it had hills covered in bushes, trees and meadows with varying species of flowers and trees. There were a few species of birds as well like the Thrush Nightingale "Nattergal" and the Eurasian Skylark "Sanglærke".



Cynoglossum officinale "Hundetunge"



Dactylorhiza maculata subsp. fuchsii "Skov-gøgeurt"


People: Hans Lind, Henrik Jørgensen, Ole Friis Larsen, Jasper Mosmann, Lara Chrenkova, Hanelie Sidhu