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Tårnfalk chicks and a rare bug

torsdag 13. juni 2024
af Hanelie Sidhu

The ringing:

This morning meant mainly cutting branches in the garden. In between, there were four birds in the nets. One of them was new: A Linnet “Tornirisk”.



In the closing round, we heard a Rosefinch “Karmindompap” near the garden. It is not so common as just about one and a half weeks ago, to hear them now. They have mainly continued their journey.
In the afternoon, there were some more young birds to ring: Some Kestrel “Tårnfalk” chicks in a nestbox at a residence not so far from Birkemose. Hans, Gert and I went there and it was five little Kestrels “Tårnfalk” in the nestbox!


Kestrel "Tårnfalk" chicks


Before we left to the nestbox, we had some home-made cake from Tina, that she brought to the station and we all enjoyed it together. Tak for kage!



 After, Jasper and Tina had a meeting about the university project Jasper is working on: The comparison of measurements from ringing data of two species of short-distance migrants and two species of long-distance migrants.


The moths:

Again, a windy night that did not bring many moths. I had four species in the trap, Hans got three and a little wasp (Ancistrocerus sp.) in his trap. One of his catches I hope also to get in the trap soon, Sideritis reticulata “Netmønstret nellikeugle”.


Sideritis reticulata “Netmønstret nellikeugle” and Ancistrocerus sp.

Hans found a bug in his garden today which we all did not think to have seen before. With the help of the apps, it could be identified as Rhyparochromus vulgaris. The Arter-app just showed three observations of that species in Denmark. So I got a bit alerted and asked the beetle and bug-expert Magnus, at the moment volunteer at Skagen bird observatory. He could confirm the species and told me, that is a rare finding! The first one was found in Denmark in 2011. So really cool!


Rhyparochromus vulgaris




På stationen: Henrik Jørgensen, Hanelie Sidhu, Jasper Mosman, Lara Chrenkova. Gert Jeppesen, Hans Lind, Mads and Tina Elley