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The end of the spring season

lørdag 15. juni 2024
af Hanelie Sidhu

The ringing:

A quiet day in the ringing again. Today and for the next week, we will have Signe with us in the morning, it is her first time in the ringing and she is eager to learn. Today unfortunately just three birds in the nets, one of them was new: A garden Warbler “Havesanger”.



Today is officially the last day of the spring ringing season, but we will keep ringing also out of the season, hoping to get some more young birds that just left the nests. This is interesting data, as we know for sure that these birds are hatched in Denmark.
So I thought, it might be a good time for a short resumé of the season. As I already mentioned in one of the blog posts in May, it was an exceptional spring, we had very low numbers of birds in the nets in April and May. This is not just here, also from the other bird observatories in Denmark Blåvand and Skagen as well as from some Swedish Bird observatories, Falsterbo and Ottenby, we are hearing of exceptionally low numbers this spring. Looking at our season total of Gedser, this is not immediately obvious, the totals are not significantly lower than last year. This is because we had an exceptionally good March this year with big numbers of especially Great Tits “Musvit”, Blue Tits “Blåmejse” and Goldcrests “Fuglekonge”.


However, both April and May had significantly low numbers of birds in the nets. The diagram now shows the ringing totals of the whole of June, but as there is still the second half of June to go, the comparison of the ringing data of June is not so meaningful yet. I compared the data to last year and also 2019, five years ago.




Maybe in the next few days, I will find time to compare the totals of single species so stay tuned and keep reading our blog!


The moths:

Today was quite good for catching moths, I had 22 species in my trap. Hans did not catch so many, therefore three new species for his garden for this season, which is also a success!
From my catches, I will put a picture of a very colourful moth in this blog, Earias clorana “Pilevikler”.


Earias clorana “Pilevikler”

This species can be seen in the whole of Europe and prefers more or less humid stands.
From Hans trap a picture of Pterostoma palpina “Palpetanspinder”, a species that prefers woody areas and can be found in most of Europe and also parts of Asia.


Pterostoma palpina “Palpetanspinder”



People: Signe Gartig, Henrik Jørgensen, Hanelie Sidhu, Jasper Mosman