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Bird hatchlings on their way and an amazing night for moths

mandag 8. juli 2024
af Hanelie Sidhu

The ringing:

Ringing was just rather short this morning, as there was rain when I wanted to open and before closing time. Therefore, it was quite nice, as it was mainly 1K birds in the nets. The first young Chiffchaff that I had yesterday evening was followed by four more, there was a juvenile Sedge Warbler “Sivsanger”, a  spotted juvenile Redstart “Rødstjert” and a juvenile Lesser Whitethroat “Gærdesanger” in the nets.

1k_Gaerdesanger.res.jpg1K Lesser Whitethroat "Gærdesanger" 


The moths:

I could have expected many moths this night, as there was no wind at all, but I was not expecting such a great number. First identified all species on the wall, which was already a lot. Then I had to go to the trap three times because I did not have enough jars to put them in. Very late in the afternoon, finally all jars were emptied and all moth identified. I had quite some new and very nice species today. On the statistic of the ObsIdentify app, it showed me, that I had 47 moths species today! To complete my luck, Hans brought me Aedia funesta “Særgesnerugle” to the station today, that he had caught in his garden today. It was a long day, and I am quite tired. Please find this blog updated with the moth list tomorrow. I will just put in pictures of some nice species I had today.

F._funebata.jpgFurcula furcula "Pilegaffelhale"

ElAt.jpgElachista atricomella

chcl.jpegChiasmia clathrata "Kløvermåler"



På stationen: Hans Lind, Hanelie Sidhu