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A species that's not so often caught!

torsdag 6. april 2017
af Marie Chevalier

Today was surprinsingly very quiet in the early morning. Weatherforecasts were not as optimistic, but the whole morning was sunny and with a clear blue spring sky. The wind started to increase slowly from 10am and I closed a couple of hour after standard time.
It was also quiet in the nets, with 32 birds ringed today. Hopefully, I caught some interesting birds, like a blackbird born in 2012 and ringed here in autumn, another white wagtail young female and the star of the day is definitely this nice looking nuthatch! This species is not caught so often in Gesder, and even more rarely in early spring. 


We also got report from the Norvegian ring of the siskin caught here the 31st of March. This bird is born last year and was ringed in october near Trondheim in Norway! Weighing 11,6 gramms in gedser, it traveled, it flew the 977km separating the two ringing spots!


Birds ringed today:
Spætmejse - Nuthatch: 1
Hvid Vipstjært - White wagtail: 1
Gærdesmutte- Wren: 2
Jernspurv - dunnock: 12
Rødhals - Robin: 5
Gransanger - chiffchaff: 3
Musvit - Great tit: 2
Bogfinke - Chaffinch: 3
Grønirisk - greenfinch: 1
Grønsiskin - Siskin: 2