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Getting better!

torsdag 13. april 2017
af Marie Chevalier

Today, we were 3 people to open the nets, and we decide to open quite a few. Despite the strong wind and the clouds, it never really rained and we succeeded in getting 24 new birds.


Among the birds, the best one was definitely the new firecrest which means we reached 41 firecrests! 3 more, please!


Another noticeable thing is that, uncommonly, the most numerous birds of the day were the chaffinches, with 8 new birds of this species in the net!


We also got two retraps of dunnocks which have been ringed last autumn.

Birds ringed today:

Jernspurv - dunnock: 5
Rødhals - Robin: 1
Solsort - Blackbird: 1
Gransanger - chiffchaff: 2
Rødtoppet fuglekong - firecrest: 1
Bogfinke - Chaffinch: 8
Grønirisk - greenfinch:1
Grønsiskin - Siskin: 5