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Few birds, but still...

fredag 14. april 2017
af Marie Chevalier

Today was on of these days where you don't know what to do with the nets! I started opening and it started raining. I waited a little bit, then opened more nets but every time I was opening one, guts of wind were making me change my mind. In the end, about 2/3 of the nets were opened and the weather quite settled, with still important guts.
It was therefore a slow morning again with only 17 new birds ringed. The bird of the day was definitely this meadow pipit which got caught after standard!


Another thing to notice is that I heard the serin singing again, as we did yesterday.

Birds ringed today:
Engpiber - Meadow pipit:1
Jernspurv - dunnock: 6
Rødhals - Robin: 1
Sangdrossel - Song trush: 1
Gransanger - chiffchaff: 4
Bogfinke - Chaffinch: 2
Grønirisk - greenfinch:1
Rørspurv - Reed bunting: 1