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Nice diversity!

torsdag 20. april 2017
af Marie Chevalier

The weather was not so cold and very nice again this morning, with a very light wind. It stayed like that until the afternoon, with the wind slighty increasing from 11am.

Despite that, the number of birds was just average again, with 29 birds ringed. There was a nice diversity, though! The most abundant bird of the day is the chiffchaff. There has been also a couple of willow warblers.
According to me, though, the niciest catch was this really good looking young common redstart male, first of this spring. This is probably one of my favorite bird in the hand!


I also got news from the danish dunnock caught yesterday. It has been ringed as a young bird last july on Agersø island, 88 km from here.


Birds ringed today:
Gædersmutte - Wren: 1
Jernspurv - Dunnock: 3
Rødhals - robins: 4
Husrødstjert - Black redstart: 1
Rødstjert - common redstart: 1
Solsort - Blackbird: 1
Sangrossel - Song trush: 1
Munk - Blackcap: 1
Gransanger - Chiffchaff: 6
Løvsanger - Willow warbler: 4
Bogfinke - chaffinch: 1
Grønirisk - Greenfinch: 1
Grønsisken - Siskin : 1