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Shining like a starling

mandag 1. maj 2017
af Charles Tessier

This morning, a new week started with Lars, a danish ringer. We weren't overflow with birds, probably because of the wind, not so strong but enough embarrassing.
Anyway, one more time the sun and a bit of diversity escort us : with the usual common species, we had a chaffinch, 3 greenfinch and a linnet, a male with red chest.


But the real attraction of the day was the starling, not a rarity but the very first one trapped this year. In this season, it's always a pleasure to admire its beautiful feathers.


Notice the colour of the bill and the chest, absent during the winter.

Finally, we ringed 23 new birds for 10 different species.

Birds ringed today:
Jernspurv - Dunnock: 3
Rødhals - Robins: 3
Gædersanger - Lesser whitethroat: 5
Munk - Blackcap: 3
Gransanger - Chiffchaff: 2
Løvsanger - Willow warbler: 1
Stær - Starling : 1
Bogfinke - Chaffinch: 1
Grønirisk - Greenfinch: 3
Tornirisk - Linnet : 1