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Patience, patience...

torsdag 4. maj 2017
af Charles Tessier

The wind grew stronger this morning, so we took our courage in both hands and opened the nets expecting, perhaps, an original capture. But after a little few birds, we were realistic, we had to be patient until the wind drop, which is expected for the week-end.

Fortunately, a pair of yellowhammer brought us a bit of color. They were already ringed : in spring 2015 for the male (bird on the left) and in spring 2014 for the female (bird on the right). A loyal couple, at least to the site.


Tomorrow morning, the weather expected is a combination of rain and wind, so there's a high probability that we'll not open the nets. But a fair weather succeed it in the afternoon. That's the promess of an exciting saturday !

Birds ringed today :
Gærdesmutte - Wren : 1
Jernspurv - Dunnock : 2
Rødhals - Robins : 2
Munk - Blackcap: 1
Løvsanger - Willow warbler : 1
Tornirisk - Linnet : 1