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The great landing !

lørdag 6. maj 2017
af Charles Tessier

As we expected, the bad weather move on to a quiet one, and there was no wind anymore but a cloudy sky this morning. I announced this session could be exciting, and what a session we had !
I decided to open all the nets at the beginning, but we had to recognise that wasn't a good idea. We were quickly overflowing with birds, mainly willow warblers. Hundreds of them showed up during the night and invaded the bushes of the station ! Of course, they were not alone, and it's all a group of migratory passerines which was trapped.

The total numbers give dizzy feeling, so be ready : more than 300 birds of 18 species ringed, almost 200 willow warblers, 16 common redstarts, 31 lesser whitethroats, 10 pied flycatchers, the first whinchat, the first sedge warbler, the firsts garden warbler, the second and third common whitethroat ! Add to this list one ring ouzel and one ortolan bunting, and you get a very satisfying morning !


We finished ringing at about noon, and we were tired and starving, but that was good. We have to be ready for tomorrow, we'll probably not have as many birds as today, but the good weather could bring us some surprises.

Birds ringed today :
Gærdesmutte - Wren : 1
Jernspurv - Dunnock : 6
Rødhals - Robins : 36
Rødstjert - Common Redstart : 16
Bynkefugl - Whinchat : 1
Ringdrossel - Ring Ouzel : 1
Sangdrossel - Song Thrush : 6
Sivsanger - Sedge Warbler : 1
Gædersanger - Lesser Whitethroat: 31
Tornsanger - Common Whitethroat : 2
Havesanger - Garden Warbler : 2
Munk - Blackcap : 10
Gransanger - Chiffchaff : 11
Løvsanger - Willow warbler : 192
Broget Fluesnapper - Pied Flycatcher: 10
Bogfinke - Chaffinch : 1
Tornirisk - Linnet : 4
Hortulan - Ortolan Bunting : 1