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Back to calm

tirsdag 9. maj 2017
af Charles Tessier

When I opened the nets at frozen dawn, the clear sky and the absence of wind let me hope for another morning filled with birds. Sadly, a main part of the passerines arrived yesterday had left the site, but some of the laggards were trapped and ringed with the company of a singing wryneck. Nice atmosphere at the sunrise !

Finally, not a lot of birds with a bit more than 40 ringed, but two funny facts :
- the first capture was a young robin ringed in Spain ! That gives good mood early in the morning !
- the last capture was a wryneck, in the same place as yesterday !

Here a picture of this bird which I probably never get tired of :


Birds ringed today :
Vendehals - Wryneck : 1
Jernspurv - Dunnock : 2
Rødhals - Robins : 11
Solsort - Blackbird : 2
Gædersanger - Lesser Whitethroat: 10
Tornsanger - Common Whitethroat : 1
Havesanger - Garden Warbler : 1
Munk - Blackcap : 2
Løvsanger - Willow warbler : 10
Bogfinke - Chaffinch : 1
Stillits - Goldfinch : 1
Tornirisk - Linnet : 1