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lørdag 23. juli 2016
af Simon Davies

Lovely and warm again but a bit of high cloud through the morning kept the temperature down a bit; there was more life in the garden than yesterday with the first few first year Warblers caught which had pretty much finished their post-juvenile moult looking all shiny and new – two Lesser Whitethroats, a Garden Warbler and a Reed Warbler.   The highlights included 8 Marsh Warblers, 7 Icterine Warblers and a smart adult male Redstart still growing his outer primaries and outer tail feathers.

Today's ringing consisted of; Redstart - 1, Blackbird - 4, Marsh Warbler - 8, Reed Warbler - 1, Icterine Warbler - 7, Lesser Whitethroat - 5, Whitethroat - 3, Garden Warbler - 2, Blackcap - 2, Chiffchaff - 2, Great Tit - 1, Starling - 1, Tree Sparrow - 1

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This Kestrel was caught last night

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                A Serin which flew west over the garden calling loudly was the highlight through the morning along with an immature White-tailed Eagle, a couple of Kestrels seemingly heading south, single Whimbrel and Greenshank over and a Grey Wagtail.   A little walk in the afternoon to the harbour and back just produced 14 Common Sandpipers and a Little Tern.