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Still hot!

mandag 25. juli 2016
af Simon Davies

Hot and sunny again with a light easterly breeze; numbers of birds in the nets were down again from the last few days with 3 Marsh Warblers, 2 Icterine Warblers, 6 Lesser Whitethroats, a Redstart and the first Spotted Flycatcher of the autumn – a juvenile, in amongst 19 new birds.   The/a Serin was heard calling a couple of times through the morning and a juvenile Marsh Harrier drifted over the garden.

Todays totals were; Redstart - 1, Blackbird - 1, Marsh Warbler - 3, Reed Warbler - 1, Icterine Warbler - 2, Lesser Whitethroat - 6, Chiffchaff - 1, Spotted Flycatcher - 1, Blue Tit - 1, Tree Sparrow - 1, Yellowhammer - 1

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                An hour out on the point in the evening just before it started to rain produced 2 Whimbrel, a Bar-tailed Godwit, 150+ Common Scoter, a few Arctic and Common Terns, 21 Goosander and a decent flock of Black-headed and Common Gulls loafing around on the sea.   On the walk back from the point there was a Grey Partridge in the front field with 4 half grown, half flying chicks.