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Aaaand -- Autumn has begun

lørdag 20. juli 2019
af Anton Herrig Liebermann

Autumn season 2019 started for real this morning when 2 excited men stepped outside of the observatory's door. No wind at all and a beautiful fog was covering the fields around us. Skylarks were singing while we opened nets giving us a good boost for this special day. 

A bit more quiet in the garden today but still okay numbers of chiffchaff’s and sylvia warblers around. The netrounds gave us 10 birds here, 5 birds there and 5 birds there - enough to keep us entertained and getting into the season in a good way. And of course GFU had some surprises for us! For Ramón extracted on the second last round the 14th Marsh Tit in the history of Gedser and surprised me with this for me new ringing species. Really not what I expected to get here on the first season day - so muchas gracias dulce Ramón. Te debo una.

20julisumpMarsh Tit

 Today’s ringing:

Jernspurv / Dunnock - 3 / and 2 recaptures
Sangdrossel / Song Thrush - 1
Kærsanger / Marsh Warbler - 4
Rørsanger / Euraisan Reed Warbler - 1
Gulbug / Icterine Warbler - 5 / and 2 recaptures
Gærdesanger / Lesser Whitethroat - 1
Tornsanger / Common Whitethroat - 4 / and 2 recaptures
Havesanger / Garden Warbler - 1 / and 2 recaptures
Munk / Eurasian Blackcap - 1
Gransanger / Common Chiffchaff - 3
Løvsanger / Willow Warbler - 1
Sumpmejse / Marsh Tit - 1
Korttået Træløber - 0 / and 1 recapture
Gråspurv / House Sparrow - 1

Total: 27 (9 recaptures)

The afternoon was spend for me starting studying about what species to expect in Mongolia, and for Ramón to get his ebird profile up to date! Later on we watched the tour de france stage were Jakob Fuglesang again lost time - so my hope for a dane in the yellow shirt is starting to die slowly!

To deal with my (a combination of a little bit of sadness and a little bit of disappointment) mood I went out to do some gardening. So while I was cutting down branches there have annoyed us hitting Ø11 all the time, Ramón went for a run to Birkemose to explore the near area! 

We are now both back in the station with rain hitting the window. We are super tired after some long days and getting back into the daily routine of a ringer so even though it is only 19:30 - I think we are on our way to bed.

Something else is the weather forecast for tomorrow looks rainy! Let’s hope that isn’t something reliable!!! ---- The alarm is sat to 3:50 anyway!

Best regards -- Anton