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Good mixture

fredag 29. juli 2016
af Simon Davies

A fairly nice morning but with a few showers moving through to keep us on our toes; we managed 27 new birds with a nice mixture of species including the first Red-backed Shrike (adult female) and Pied Flycatcher of the autumn along with 4 Marsh Warblers, 3 Icterine Warblers and 4 Sedge Warblers – a pretty uncommonly caught bird here.   A party of 8 Crossbills flew through and there was a Silver-washed Fritillary briefly on the Buddleia at the front door – common in the woodlands of Denmark but apparently only the second record out here at the station!

Totals from today including this evening; White Wagtail / Hvid Vipstjert - 2, Yellow Wagtail / Gul Vipstjert - 3, Sedge Warbler / Sivsanger - 4, Marsh Warbler / Kaersanger - 5, Reed Warbler / Roersanger - 1, Icterine Warbler / Gulbug - 3, Lesser Whitethroat / Gaerdesanger - 5, Whitethroat / Tornsanger - 3, Willow Warbler / Loevsanger - 2, Pied Flycatcher / Broget Fluesnapper - 1, Red-backed Shrike / Roedrygget Tornskad - 1, Starling / Staer - 1, Tree Sparrow / Skovspurv - 2, Goldfinch / Stillits - 2, Linnet / Tornirisk - 2

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Adult and juvenile Sedge Warblers               

A look out at the point later (1345-1515) was quiet with an adult Little Gull, 10 Arctic Terns, 12 Sandwich Terns, 2 Greenshank which came in and 80 Common Scoter.   Caught a few more birds in the evening with the walk-in traps on the pond proving successful in catching a few White and Yellow Wagtails.