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Two interesting recaptures

søndag 25. august 2019
Some interesting recaptures related to Gedser Fuglestation
af Robert Luttik

Some interesting recaptures related to the Gedser Fuglestation.

One is of a Dunnock/Jernspurv which was caught at the Gedser Fuglestation on 30 April 2019 and was ringed 2020 days before (more than 5 and a half year ago) in Belgium in the neighborhood of Liège.

 jernspurv from Belgium

The other one is of a Robin/Rødhals which was ringed at the Gedser Fuglestation on 14 April 2018 and was recaptured after 1 year and 8 days in Kaliningrad in Rusland.

 Robin out of Russia

With kind regards
