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News from France!

torsdag 31. oktober 2019
af Ramón Soto Madrid

Today it was pretty cold when we opened nets, but not as much as yesterday. Again, really good weather for ringing, with a few more clouds it would have been perfect, but I do not think it would have made a difference. We have only ringed 12 birds today and had 8 recaptures. We think that the weather is too good for the birds to stop here and they keep flying south, this combined with the low temperatures equals no birds in the garden. But no one can say that we do not try: 277 of 284 possible net meters and after standard we played sound from 13:00 to 16:00 and did not catch a single bird (although we only had 48 net meters after 13:00).

Last night we also tried but failed, we had some nets opened and two speakers working until 01:00 am but did not catch any owl… and at the moment we keep on trying.

After closing the nets, we fixed one of the broken ones and set it up in a strategic place in the garden to try and catch owls there.

We are pretty knackered with all the extra effort of ringing in the morning and trying for owls at night, so probably we will not stay up so late tonight.

The highlight from today came when Hans told us that a Rødhals ringed by me has been found in West France! Pretty cool! And first time for me!! Good job Rødhals!!

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We will keep you updated.

The data of today, and as you can see, Anders Zuschlag keeps on upgrading the database!! Thanks a lot!!

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