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Bare en almindelig gransanger og svaler

onsdag 27. maj 2020
Just a normal Chiffchaff and martins or swallows
af Robert Luttik

Today I caught a normal Chiffchaff (Gransanger) and I took a picture of his wing formula. It will allow you to compare with the one of yesterday.

awesome wing formula

Note that P6 is shorter than P3, P4 and P5 and that P2 is as long as P7. I think this is a typical Chiffchaff (Gransanger) wing formula. So let's wait what the DNA analysis will bring, either a nice species or we have to adjust the ringers bible :) .

Today there were not many birds in the garden and I decided to open a few nets at the pond. Which was a lucky decision. I caught 2 House Martins (Bysvale) and 2 Sand Martins (Digesvale) and a Barn Swallow (Landsvale). But the last one was in one of the standard nets. Later I caught at the pond also a White Wagtail and a beautifull Yellow Wagtail. Most of the species you can find in the picture gallery below.

barn swallow yellow wagtail 2020

dyke swallow House Martin

I caugth today 24 birds, 13 species 18 newly ringed and 6 recaptures. Again a Red-backed Shrike (Rødrygget Tornskade). I have to do it with a copy of trektellen.nl because I could not get the right one out the house computer here. 

catches of 27maj2020With kind regards
