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Quiet and rainy day

torsdag 1. august 2019
af Ramón Soto Madrid

Today we had a very slow day at the station, around 5 or 6 birds per round and not new species for the season, but these slow days are alslo good to chat a bit more about moulting, bird id and dream about the rarities that are for sure coming to visit us very soon. We decided to close all the nets just after standard time because we saw no point on keeping them open with the numbers of birds that we were catching, and not much later, it started raining a lot, so it was a wise decission.

During the afternoon we went to the tip to do some birdwatching, and we saw Willow Warbler,Arctic Skua, Grey Heron, Greenfinch, Common Scotter, Sandwich, Common and Acrtic tern bewteen others.

67410072 454660198446514 5278338197728788480 nBilder fra Anton Liebermann (Løvsanger/ Willow warbler)

Tomorrow we will be sleeping 15 minutes more due to sunrise is at 05:25 am, so we only have to start opening nets at 04:30! Sweet!

Today´s ringing (recaptures):

Today´s ringing (recaptures):

Jersnpurv / Dunnock / Prunella modularis: 1

Rødstjert / Redstart / Phoenicurus phoenicurus: 2

Kærsanger / Marsh Warbler / Acrocephalus palustris: 1

Rørsanger / Reed Warbler / Acrocephalus scirpaeus: 1

Gulbug / Icterine warbler / Hippolais icterina: 8 (1)

Gærdesanger / Lesser Whitethroat / Sylvia curruca: 1 

Tornsanger / Common Whitethroat / Sylvia communis: 4 (4)

Havesanger/ Garden Warbler/ Sylvia borin: 3 (2)

Skovspurv / Tree sparrow / Passer montanus: 1

Gransanger / Common Chiffchaff / Phylloscopus collybita: 0 (1)

Total: 22 (8)

Takk for nu!

De gladeste hilsner,


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