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Leftovers of yesterday

onsdag 15. september 2021
No new influx of birds, og nyt om vandrefalken fra 5. september
af Robert Luttik and Hans Lind

Although there was some wind, I opened all the nets, because wind from the east is not so disturbing in the garden. I caught in total 34 birds today (29 new and 5 recaptures). It was the leftover of yesterday mainly Robins (Rødhals).

The life of a bird ringer is not all “rose scent and moonshine”. I forgot that it is already autumn and the leaves of the trees are falling. One net is notoriously good in catching leaves when there is an eastern wind (should not have opened that one). See picture and taking the leaves out is a lot of tedious work.



The moth of the day is called in Danish the “Linde-Septemberugle” (Orange Sallow). I found it this morning close to the light trap. This year till now only six entries in Naturbasen (in 2020 3 sightings and in 2019 only 2). It is not such a common species and mainly found in the eastern parts of Denmark.


Så er der nyt om den svenskmærkede vandrefalk, som blev fundet ved Gedser Lystbådehavn den 5. september. Fuglen var åbenbart et år ældre, end jeg troede, idet den var mærket som redeunge allerede i 2020.

Falken kom jo på plejestation for at komme til kræfter og blive behandlet for en betændt tå. Status er, at den har taget på og er begyndt at flyve fint i volieren. Dog vurderede dyrlægen, at tåen måtte amputeres, og det er sket i dag. Lad os håbe, at den kan klare sig uden.

Her er data på falken:

2021 09 15 genmeldt vandrefalk

 2021 09 05 vandrefalk IMG 5533

Ringnr. Sweden, Stockholm, Riksmuseum (SVS), 90B..32525
Farvering Blue/Red, NV
Art Vandrefalk (Falco peregrinus)
Alder Unge, ej flyvefærdig
Køn Han
Dato og tid 2020-07-23, ----, Nøjagtighed til dagen
Sted Hemmelig Lokalitet, Västernorrland, Sverige
Koordinater 63.1000000000, 17.5000000000 / 63°6'0.00''N 17°30'0.00''E
Præcision af koordinater Præcis på koordinatet


Ringnr. Sweden, Stockholm, Riksmuseum (SVS), 90B..32525
Farvering Blue/Red, NV
Art Vandrefalk (Falco peregrinus)
Alder 1. kalenderår
Køn Ukendt køn
Dato og tid 2021-09-05, 1600, Nøjagtighed til dagen
Sted Gedser Lystbådehavn, Vestre Strand 1, DK-4874 Gedser, Region Sjælland, Danmark
Koordinater 54.5812697000, 11.9233883000 / 54°34'52.57''N 11°55'24.20''E
Præcision af koordinater Præcis på koordinatet
Kondition Fundet syg, såret, afkræftet etc., ej (oplyst om) frigivet.
Omstændigheder Fugl fundet med skader, brud, eller med generel sygdom som ikke kan specificeres
Finder(e) Hans Lind
Bemærkninger [Finder=Hans Lind] Afkræftet fugl indfanget og anbragt på vildtplejestation i Våbensted. Tilsyneladende en infektion i den ene tå.
Tid 1 år, 1 måned, 13 dage (409 dage)
Afstand 999,2 km fra ringmærkningssted

201° SSV


Robins Robins everywhere Robins

tirsdag 14. september 2021
And three Sparrowhawks
af Robert Luttik

When I woke up and started with opening the nets I did not hear much, but had the feeling that there were birds in the garden. So decided not to open all nets resulting in a smaller round that I had to make. And my feeling was right in the first round I had about 40 birds and was afraid that the second round would even be worse. Luckily not. At the end of the morning, I had ringed 116 bird, of which 61 were Robins (Rødhals). Except for one all the robins were born this year. I handled 16 species, nice diversity. Many birds in the garden also attract many Sparrowhawks (Spurvehøg) and 3 were ending up in the nets.

At eleven o’clock the maintenance working group were starting to trim the bushes. And the garden looks well kept now. Thanks for all the work.


Normally birds are looking very well, particular just after moulting. But when they moult, they have sometimes funny appearances, like the Blackbird in the next picture.


Hopefully tomorrow will be the same as today. Till then.

Ciao Robert




Day of the Tree pipits

mandag 13. september 2021
I dag 4 Skovpiber

Today started as yesterday in first rounds hardly any birds. There were only a few birds in the garden, but later around 10 o’clock there was a little influx of new birds. The special species of the day was the Tree Pipit (Skovpiber) of which I caught 4 individuals. The third Goldcrest of the season popped up and there was a recapture of a sumpmejse (one of my favourites). In total 37 birds (14 species, 30 new ones and 7 recaptures).



The moth of the day is the L-album Wainscot (det hvide L eller det store L). This moth species is relative new for Denmark and is only found on the east side of Denmark and only at one location in Fyn (information from Naturbasen). Hans Lind is the man with the most sightings of this moth. For me it was the first time.

witte l

Till tomorrow (hopefully with more birds than the last two days).

With kind regards


Gone with the wind

søndag 12. september 2021
Hardly birds in the garden
af Robert Luttik

Today was a day with not much to do. There was a bit wind but not too much and I opened all the nets. But there were no birds, first round 4 and then 2 rounds with nothing. In total I caught 13 birds (8 species, 12 new ones and 1 recapture). Bird of the day was a female Sparrowhawk (see picture).



Because there was not much bird news I will close the blog of the day with three moth species that I found in or near the light trap.  The first is a "Hvidrandet Jordugle" (Flame Shoulder Moth), the second is a "Trefarvet måler eller Nåleskov-måler (Barred Red) and the last one a Haveugle (Bright-line Brown-eye). All common ones but nice ones.





Again a Red-breasted Flycatcher

lørdag 11. september 2021
And a late Icterine Warbler (Gulbug)
af Robert Luttik


Today we had expected to catch many birds, because there was a change in the weather, which is normally resulting in an influx of new birds. We caught 13 species and in total 33 birds (31 new one and 2 recaptures). In the first round we saw a Nightjar (Natraven) bouncing back out of the net. That was a pity because it would have been for both of us a new hand species. I was the lucky one today. In the last round I found an Icterine Warbler (a bit late in the season) and the second Red-breasted Flycatcher (Lille Fluesnapper) of the week.

Today Søren Mygind had to go home and two days ago Adam Qvist already went back to Berlin. So, I will be the only ringer this week till the weekend. But luckily, I have a very good backup in case I have too many birds. Hans will be available to help me out when that is necessary.

Below you will find the table with the species caught nd a picture of a Sparrowhawk (Spurvehøg) and the Red-breasted Flycatcher (Lille Fluesnapper).



kleine vliegenvanger1


A Red-breasted Flycatcher and a maybe a Collared Flycatcher

fredag 10. september 2021
En Lille Fluesnapper og måske en Hvidhalset Fluesnapper
af Robert Luttik

Today was a nice and interesting day. There were quite some birds in the garden. Many Willow warblers (Løvsanger). WE caught 14 species and in total 84 birds (83new and 1 recapture). Søren was the lucky guy. Ttoday he started with a Red-breasted Flycatcher (Lille Fluesnapper) and at the end of the morning he took another flycatcher out of the net and that one was causing some discussions whether it was a normal Pied Flycatcher (Broget Fluesnapper) or a Collared Flycatcher (Hvidhalset Fluesnapper). P2 was a little bit longer or almost as long as P5, but P2 was certainly not shorter than P5. The bird had a second wingbar (spots can be found on first winter Pied Flycatchers too, but this bird had more than a few). There is a possibility of hybrids between the two species and therefor we collected a sample for DNA analyses. For the time being we put the bird as a Pied Flycatcher in the database but perhaps other people can help us with deciding. 


Pied or Collared Flycatcher



Red-breasted Flycatcher






Birds and moths

torsdag 9. september 2021
af Robert Luttik

Today was a bit better than yesterday. In total 39 birds: 35 new and 4 recaptures. Half of the birds were Chiffchaffs (Gransanger) and we caught 4 Redstarts (Rødstjert) all young males.

It is in a way remarkable that so many people that ring birds in Gedser also are very interested in butterflies and moths. And it gave us some really nice species last few weeks.

I only started with this hobby in May of this year. And catch mainly in my garden in Gjerrild. What is also surprising is the number of species that fly around during the night. At home I am already over 200 species. If you have to name them  by only having guides and books it will be a hard job. But luckily there are a number of apps available that will make your life easier. Most people know iNaturalist: an app that covers most of the world. So you have to be careful not to choose an American twin species. But there is another app available named Obsidentify. This program is oriented to the Netherlands and Belgium and Denmark is a location they do not support, but Denmark and the Netherlands and Belgium have many species in common. Obsidentify is a very quick and easy program. So I start mostly with that one. It gives a probability of how accurate the prediction is. Then I use iNatualist and look whether the programs give the same species. If not I put the name the one of Obsidentify in iNaturalist and compare my picture with those on board of iNaturalist. In most cases Obsidemtify is giving the right prediction. And when the two apps are not helping, I put my record in Naturbasen “artsbestemmelse” and hope they can help me. Maybe this short story will make you enthusiastic enough to start a new hobby.

Today we had a Blåt Ordensbånd (see picture) and in addition I have added two more common ones, one that is called the Snout (Næbugle) and one with the beautiful name Blood Vein (Gul syremåler).



blauw weeskind

the snout

blood vein

Maybe tomorrow more bird news

With kind regards


Rolig mellemakt - vi forbli'r fortrøstningsfulde

onsdag 8. september 2021
Tyst og mildt på station og odde, men forventningerne vokser for et snarligt gennembrud efter nogle få dage med lave tal. Heldigvis er spurvehøgene rare til at droppe forbi.
af Adam

Fra morgenstunden gennemsøgte spurvehøge igen haven og i mørket sprang Robert frem og nåede nænsomt at få klørene (overført betydning) i een som prøvede at undgå et net. Indtil sidst på formiddagen onsdag førte spurvehøgene som dagens hyppigt mærkede art, men måtte til sidst dele den enkelige førsteplads på en dag med kun 10 fugle.

Spurv 1k hun og ja i det mindste så vi denne enkelte rødtop

Det er nu officielt - den ene alene frø i vores havedam er en grøn frø (Pelophylax esculentus). Den skal der værnes om for ikke at ende på snogens tallerken, igen.


I dag blev engen mejet, høet høstet og det hele pakket ind i nogle kilo plast. Som det ses på fotoet har vi også mulighed for at spænde net op ude ved vandhullet og ringmærke blandt andre digesvale, gul vip og sortstrubede bynk.

Mozarella-emballage og vindstille

Med de to dobbeltbekkasiner vi så dér i vandhullet i morges må der lægges en ekstra indsats de næste dage. Ja, vi er vildt imponerede over mærkning af de tredækkere syd for Aalborg (yikes) og dobbeltbekkasin i Skagen.

Ude på odden sås der lille kjove og når der ikke sker det store, er der altid mening i at luge lidt ud i haven. Er labyrint-haven i go' stand til de mærkende folk og de vingede fæ, så kører det smurt når de store efterårsdage kommer.
Der mangles stadig hænder, erfarne og de mindre erfarne, på Gedser fuglestation, til de travle dage på efterårssæsonen hvor dagene er korte og de store indtog af spurvefugle ventes hvert et øjeblik.

Dagens mærkninger:


På stationen: Robert Luttik, Jimmy Skat, Adam og Søren Mygind

Morgenen gryr, et dødningehoved vækker stort postyr

tirsdag 7. september 2021
Stort ståhej i løbet af en ellers stille dag, hvor godtfolk kom marcherende fra nær og fjern for at få et kik på Dødningehovedet (Acherontia atropos)
af Adam



En stor han af en yderst sjælden art - den største sommerfugl der kan opdrives i DK.
Til vores fryd havde den ikke noget imod at sidde og lade sig fotografere på det træ hvor vi efterlod den, helt frem til aften.

Vejret var ikke genialt og udover rigtig mange gennemflyvende spurvehøge, så var der ikke bevægelse i haven. Sammenlagt 31 fugle mærket. Fra Odden var to sorte glenter de bedste hits i dag.

Dagens mærkninger:



På stationen: Jimmy Skat, Robert Luttik, Adam og Søren Mygind

New ringers new chances

mandag 6. september 2021
af Robert Luttik

Some changes in the people staying at the station. Today I (Robert) and Søren opened the nets before 6 o’clock and hoped to catch more than yesterday and that happened. In total 53 new birds and 12 recaptures (see table below). Exiting thing today was that Hans, Gert and Søren saw a Nutcracker (Nøddekrige) but when the bird saw the three man it immediately turned around and disappeared again. After 11 o’clock we played the sound of nutcrackers but it did not show up again. One of the last birds caught was a red-backed shrike (Rødrygget Tornskade) with a very short P2 which could be pointing to another shrike species. But it was just within the range and also P5 was not emarginated). The last bird was a Stonechat (Sortstrubet bynkefugl) which made Søren very happy, because he had never ringed this species.

6sep2021 captures

6sep2021 shrike

6sep2021 stonechat


FORRIGE     1  |  ...  |  71  |  72  |  73  |  74  |  75  |  ...  |  204     NÆSTE