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Twice as much as yesterday

mandag 25. maj 2020
af Robert Luttik

When I went out this morning there was still some wind and I did not expect many birds, also because there were not many birds moving around or singing. When I wrote to Hans that it was a little bit better than the day before and that I had 11 birds (around 7 o'clock). He wrote back: Super! Something special must come in the next days. 

In total I caught 15 birds, 11 new and 4 recaptures (see table).

catches of 25maj2020

Today again a Red-backed Shrike. Eight birds in 6 days and 9 birds in total this spring, which is equal to last year (see graph) and more than the year before. This species is evidently doing well and we still have some weeks to go.

shrikeGraph is made by trektellen.nl in which database the results of Gedser can also be found.

Bo made some pictures of the Shrike (Tornskade). Till now I was not bitten by this species, but as you can see holding it up for a picture did the trick.



And in addition a close up of a Reed Warbler.


Part of the afternoon was spent repairing a mistnet (underline was broken). This is a tedious type of work, but worthwhile because nets are rather expensive and this net was not old at all and still in good condition for catching birds. 

Like Hans I am also an optimistic person and I am looking forward to tomorrow.

With kind regards




Only seven birds

søndag 24. maj 2020
But one was a female Karmindompap (Common Rosefinch)
af Robert Luttik

Not a day for many words (just too much wind). Only real good thing was that I heard a Common Rosefinch (Karmindompap) earlier in the morning. And in the very last round It was hanging in a net very close to the location were I had heard it.

Further no news and also no pictures today. See the humble list with captured birds below:

catches of 24maj2020

Hope tomorrow will bring a better day.

With kind regards


Little weather change resulting in more birds

lørdag 23. maj 2020
af Robert Luttik

When I woke up this morning I heard almost no birds singing and also when I opened the nets hardly any birds moving or singing. Even de first round had only two birds. So I was preparing for a day with not much birds. But the following rounds were better. Top species were Ictrine warblers (Gulbug) and Blackcaps (Munk) with each 5 birds and then 4 Garden Warblers (Havesanger) and to my surprise the next species was the Red-backed Shrike (Rødrygget Tornskade) with 3 females.

The day was also highlighted by 3 Marsh Warblers (Kærsanger) and 2 Reed Warblers (Rørsanger). Species out of a group of species  that need some special attention.

The last bird I toke out of the net was a Coal Tit (Sortmejse). A species that I really like, such nice little birds (see pictures).

In total I had 14 species and 37 birds (30 new and 7 recaptures). Find the results below in the table.

catches of 23maj2020

It is a bit strange to be the only ringer at the station at this moment. But it was my own choice, wanted to keep the chance of getting Corona as low as possible. But it is strange nobody around to talk to or discuss birds when you would like to have confirmation of your ideas. I also note that my eating pattern is changing. I am eating now at different times of the day. More in agreement with my early getting up and early to go to bed. Which is probably not strange. Let see what two weeks on my own will bring. Maybe I will be very happy to go home again :).



Another quiet day

fredag 22. maj 2020
Even less than yesterday
af Robert Luttik

Although I was very early today, the birds were just not there. A bit the same as yesterday. With the difference that I have no caugth on the lake (a bit too windy for the open place). Highlight again a Red / backed Shrike, number 5 of the year. A total of 18 birds, 8 new and 10 recaptures (see table).

catches of 22maj2020

It is difficult to write anything on a day nothing is happening. There was a small family visiting the sation and Hans did the entertaining. The group was lucky because they were there when I had my best around five different species including the tornado. So they were happy.

In the morning an adult rosy starling was seen flying over the tip, but did not rest in the garden. Would have been a good one. Many years ago In the Netherlands at a site where we were using groundnets I almost had a juvenile one. It landed half a meter outside the net with a few thousand normal starlings but did not want to walk on the net. We had a lot of normal ones but not that special one.

Her er dagens adulte rosenstær (Rosy Starling), afstand 200 m! Foto: Louis A. Hansen

2020 05 22 Rosenstaer LAH JPG

Only one picture today. It's a Gulbug (Icterine Warbler).

spot bird

With kind regards and hopefully a more busy day tomorrow. Let's see what the day will bring.



The day after

torsdag 21. maj 2020
af Robert Luttik

When I woke up this morning around 3.30 I didn't hear much in the garden. So the signs were not so good and that was exactly what I found out. In total I caught only 19 birds in the standard period. With as highlight another Red-backed shrike. During the first round I very recently heard an Oriole (Pirol) in the tall trees on the east side of the garden. Later it was confirmed by a birder at the south point. He said he had heard half an Oriole. So I assume it was right.

To have something to do for the rest of the day I installed a few nets around the pond and it had a good result. Besides two Linnets (Tornirisk) I could catch 3 Sand Martins (Digesvale) and 1 House Martin (Bysvale). The last two species were new to the station this year.

See below the list of birds caugth today.

catches of 21maj2020

The pictures I want to show you are of the two new species of today. And in addition you will find a picture of a leg of the House Martin. It has a special leg. It's as far as I know one of the few smaller birds with feathers on the leg. I showed you that a few years ago, but maybe we have new readers who don't know this and find it interesting



house swallow lay

With kind regards and till tomorrow



And then they were there

onsdag 20. maj 2020
As expected, one has to wait for a weather change
af Robert Luttik

When I went out this morning to open the nets I already heard that new birds had arrived. Amongst others a Thrush nightingale (Nattergal) was singing. So I was really happy and looking forward to the first round.

The first round brought me a female Rosefinch (Karmindompap) and the second round a Nattergal. For me a good species because I am more familiar with the Southern Nightingale. The third round I found two Red-backed Shrikes. Always difficult to get out of the net, but they were unable to snap me with their beaks. And in the 8 o'clock round the next surprise there was: a Bluethroat. For this bird I phoned Hans and he sent the message around, but only one other birder besides Hans popped up. The Rosefinch and the Bluethroat were new species for the year and there were two other new species. I caught a Reed Warbler (Rørsanger) and a Marsh Warbler (Kærsanger).

In total I caught 69 birds (64 new and 5 recaptures). See list below:

catches of cor20maj2020

You probably haven't noticed I'm not the best photographer. And it's especially difficult when you're alone. And even more difficult today because the species I wanted to show you is almost never sitting still. A Rosefich is rather aggressive, Shrikes too. And a Bluethroat is always moving. But for the Bluethroat I had some help from Hans.

Photo gallery


shrike femaleshrike male

blue chest 1

blauwborst 2.png

With kind regards, I am looking forward to tomorrow




Twice as much as yesterday

tirsdag 19. maj 2020
af Robert Luttik

Slowly the numbers are increasing. Still not really good weather, much wind out of the west and a rainy periode in the night. According to the weather forecast this is going to change. I assume that it will also bring more birds to Gedser fuglestation.

There were a few new arrivals. I caught 14 Willow Warblers (Løvsanger) and two new Icterine Warblers (Gulbug). In total 31 birds (see table below).

catches of 19maj2020

Only one picture today of a Willow Warbler / Løvsanger. The one that I made of the Icterine Warbler / Gulbug was not sharp enough to be published (next time  a better one). 


With kind regards


PS hopefully I have more to tell tomorrow.

Just a tiny bit better

mandag 18. maj 2020
af Robert Luttik

Today was just a little better than the previous 3 days (lets hope tomorrow will be the turning point).

Yes the house was incredibly clean, probably not easy to achieve the same standards when I will leave again. But I will do my best.

Started this morning at 4 o'clock with opening the nets and everything was ready at 4.30 o'clock. But the number of birds was not high. In total I caught 15 birds in 6 hours with 277 meters net. Not really impressive (see table below).

catches of 18maj2020

I hhave choosen to show the two most colorful birds of the day, you can probably imagine which species they were.



With kind regards



Så går det atter hjemad

søndag 17. maj 2020
af Vagn Lind

Så er Hans, Vagn og Søren ved at takke af for denne gang. Det har været 14 dejlige dage, men på det seneste med et noget slapt antal fugle. Nu tager Robert Lüttik over de næste 14 dage og vi er overbevist om, at der må være rigtig mange gode arter på spring sydfra som er på vej op til Gedser.

Det vil vi glæde os til at se meget mere om i bloggen fremover. Fx mangler vi da både Vendehals, Karmindompap og alle Acro'erne.
Den blæsende søndag i dag blev mere end dobbelt så fangstrig som i går. Men det siger jo heller ikke så meget.
Vi har brugt tiden efter netfangst til at rende rundt og lege ”Putzfrau” både i lab'et og i huset.20200517 103636
Vi synes da lige, i skal se resultatet. I huset lugter der frisk og rent efter afspritning af både ting og sager. Så skulle der være klar til de næste.

Tak for denne gang :-))


Uha da da

lørdag 16. maj 2020
Der blæste en wældig wind den dau ude fra west
af Vagn Lind og Søren Mygind

Det var som at være på Vestkysten og antallet af fugle i nettene var ligeså :-)


En del net blev ikke åbnet på grund af blæsten og dem der blev åbnet stod og blafrede rigeligt. Så da første runde var uden fugle blev det diskuteret om vi ville få et ”æg” i dag. Anden runde, som normalt er den bedste runde, ville det dog anderledes med en enkelt Rødhals, med ring, og en Munk uden ring. Her efter forsatte dagen med i gennemsnit en halv fugl pr. runde. Uha da da uha uha uha.


Det er jo næsten pinligt, at skulle præsentere så lave mærkningstal, så Hans og Søren besluttede at kigge stationens redekasser igennem for at se, om der da ikke skulle ligge en redeunge eller 5, der manglede en ring om benet. Lige meget hjalp det, - der var ikke andet end redematerialer og en rede med æg. Uha da da uha da da da da!20200516 105554

20200516 110001 001

Til gengæld fik vi brugt eftermiddagen på data check og vi er nu helt i bund med data for hele foråret og det er ikke så ringe endda.

Susanne Primdahl har lagt en interessant aflæsning af en finsk Skovsanger på under ”Nyheder” på vores hjemmeside. Skulle du have misset den, er her linket.



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